Catchy name for a session led by Adam Bellow, check out the eduTecher blog. He started the session on a good note by saying there would be no

which at that point I figured this was going to be a no lose session. Adam had some great quotes and information he shared, few of them below.
"Training needs to be a priority, but not all about hardware and software"
"Educational technology is not all about stuff"
"I don't like students using cell phones because they know more than me and look things up"
"Any teacher who can be replaced by a robot should be"
"Lies my teacher told me"
"Be like the kids, be stubborn and resilient, don't give up"
"Collaboration is the 21st century skill"
Leading in 3D
This session was lead by Chris Oneal and very relevant for principals and how to be a technology leader by modeling. Check out his wiki, here is a quick question for principals from Chris.
Do you lead by example? Teachers and other instructional staff look to you to demonstrate a commitment to technology through efforts that make sense for your job, yet define the expectations you have for technology use across the board.
I ended the day with a birds session on 1:1 computing and was excited for this one as it was more of a round table discussion. It was interesting hearing about what a district or two in Australia was doing with their 1:1 initiative and others experiences in their adventures to change the learning in their own little part of the world.
Thanks for reading and I will try and post one more time tomorrow as I am running a day behind now!
ReplyDeleteWas this the session where you Tweeted out, "What's 21st Century learning?" and I answered, "@jcastelhano I'll answer even tho not there: motivated, learning, making contribution 2 authentic purpose, choice, collaboration, decision" ?
If there was one takeaway from this session that a principal can implement, would you say it's model 21st C learning in your staff meetings and staff development?